Study Reports to the NCGA
Select full text legislative study reports back to 1928. Scroll down to Study Reports Query to search by keyword.
Legislative Commissions, Non-Standing Committees Interim Studies (1999-2024)
NCGS and Session Laws Affected by Ratified Bills (1997-2025)
Legislative Effective Dates (2005-2024)
Bills Eligible List (2004-2024)
Bill Inquiry – Keywords (2025)
Program Evaluation Division Reports
Reports prepared by the former NCGA Program Evaluation Division, which was charged with evaluating state government agencies, programs, and services.
Crossover List (2001-2023)
Lists of bills that met the “crossover” deadline for each biennium. This deadline is the date by which most bills must pass from the chamber in which they were introduced to the other chamber in order to be eligible for consideration for the remainder of the regular session.
Highlights – Annual Budget Summaries (1984-2024)
Tax and Finance Law Changes (1996-2024)
Summary of Municipal Incorporation Procedure
(Note: Some sections of this document may be out of date. Please contact the Legislative Library if you have questions.)
Study Reports Query Program
Use this interface to locate legislative study reports as well as reports submitted to the General Assembly by other North Carolina agencies.
Note: Reports are not official and may be incomplete. Official copies are on file in the Legislative Library.