NCGA Police

The General Assembly Police Department is a highly visible police force whose mission is to protect the Legislative Branch of North Carolina State government. Our officers have an opportunity to serve their state, experience career growth, and grow educationally. Our officers work in a unique executive protection environment and are entrusted to protect the elected officials of our state not only on the complex but also on special events.
The General Assembly Police was established in 1975 by statute, and has one key mission, to protect the legislators, staff, visitors and property on this historic legislative complex. At times, officers are tasked with coordinating protection details for special dignitaries, federal and state government political figures, and professional or collegiate athletic teams. The two buildings that make up the bulk of the complex house our state’s historic legislative chambers. These magnificent chambers are where legislation is introduced, debated, and voted on.
Our initiative is to create an environment where people can safely work and visit free from fear, and disruption. The General Assembly Police proactively provides a visible deterrent to criminal activity, responds to emergencies, and works closely with other law enforcement agencies. All of our police officers are sworn and have statewide authority to investigate crimes and make arrest.
Our officers are continuously empowered through many avenues of training and education. Our officers have attended courses specialized in terrorism response, crowd control, executive protection, investigations, as well as other traditional law enforcement training courses. Attendance is encouraged to any training course deemed beneficial to our department and useful to our mission.
Simply put, our officers exemplify professionalism and understand our mission is crucial to ensuring the state legislative process is respected.