Masks and Firearms: the Law in NC

With many businesses requiring customers to be masked, and now a statewide order from Governor Cooper requiring it, the question naturally arises: Is it illegal to carry a concealed weapon while wearing a mask?

There is no law specifically prohibiting a person with a concealed handgun permit from lawfully carrying a handgun concealed while wearing a mask. However, it is illegal to wear a mask for any reason, according to these statutes:

  • G.S. 14-12.7 – Wearing of masks, hoods, etc. on public ways – Class 1 misdemeanor
  • G.S. 14-12.8 – Wearing masks, hoods, etc. on public property – Class 1 misdemeanor
  • G.S. 14-12.9 – Entry, etc. upon premises of another while wearing mask, hood or other disguise – Class 1 misdemeanor
  • G.S. 14-12.10 – Holding meetings or demonstrations while wearing masks, hoods, etc. – Class 1 misdemeanor
  • G.S. 14-12.13 – Placing exhibit with intention of intimidating, etc, another (applies whether masked or unmasked) – Class H felony
  • G.S. 14-12.14 – Placing exhibit while wearing mask, hood, or other disguise – Class H felony

G.S. 14-12.11 provides some exceptions. The exceptions apply to all of the offenses listed above except for G.S. 14-12.13. Also, Section 4.3 of S.L. 2020-3 allows masks worn “for the purpose of ensuring the physical health or safety of the wearer or others.” This exception expires on August 1, 2020, unless the General Assembly extends it.

Bottom line: At least until August 1, 2020, you can wear a mask for health purposes and carry a concealed weapon (unless you are also committing acts prohibited by G.S. 14-12.13). If/when this exception expires, it is illegal to wear a mask for any reason other than the exceptions listed in G.S. 14-12.11.

As we grapple each day with the coronavirus pandemic, information has become our most effective weapon. To that end, we’ve developed a page of state and federal COVID-19 resources. You can access the page here:

If you thought, upon visiting the library website, “Well, that looks different”–you’re right! We haven’t just updated the site; we’ve overhauled it, adding lots more of the historical and research content you’ve always relied on . . . plus a little bit of fun.

The site will continue to change over the coming months, so check back often. And call the library at 919-733-9390 if you need assistance!

Curious about what NCGA audio is available? Find the new How to Locate Audio guide plus links to our other guides at the Library’s new Guides & Training page.

If you have questions about how to locate legislative information… please don’t hesitate to come by, email us or give us a call at 919-733-9390. We’re here to help!

The 2019 Crossover List is now available. It’s the list of bills that made the May 9, 2019 Crossover deadline. This is the date by which most bills must pass from one chamber to the other chamber to be eligible for consideration for the remainder of the regular session.

Any questions about Crossover? Please don’t hesitate to come by, email or give us a call at 733-9390. We’re here to help you!