Session Law 2017-57, Section 10A.5.(b) directed the Program Evaluation Division to administer a measurability assessment of the Transforming Principal Preparation Program. Pursuant to Chapter 143E, the Division contracted with an independent assessor to perform the assessment. The Division selected Vangaard Evidence-Based Consulting, LLC from our pool of assessors. The Transforming Principal Preparation Program fully meets 8 and partially meets 6 of the 14 measurability assessment indicators.
Measurability Assessment Presentation
S.L. 2017-57 also directed the Program Evaluation Division to make recommendations regarding periodic reporting by the Transforming Principal Preparation Program. The General Assembly should direct the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority to collect long-term outcome data for the Transforming Principal Preparation Program on the number of graduates who secure positions in high-need schools and amend its cooperative agreement with the North Carolina Alliance for School Leadership Development to require specific output and outcome data in annual reports on the Transforming Principal Preparation Program.