Options for the Indian Cultural Center Will Allow the Site to Meet its Cultural, Recreational, and Economic Development Intent (December 2012)
The North Carolina Indian Cultural Center has not become what was once envisioned. The site’s geography, condition, and size have constrained development, and the current lease structure is problematic. As separate parcels, the site can still serve its initial intent. However, the need to preserve and promote North Carolina American Indian culture remains. The General Assembly should direct the Department of Administration to terminate the leases and dispose of and allocate the four parcels comprising the site, and direct the Commission of Indian Affairs to develop strategic plan for the promotion and preservation of North Carolina American Indian culture.
Relevant Legislation:
- S.L. 2013-186: Terminated leases at the Indian Cultural Center site and directed the sale or allocation of certain portions of the property.
Agency Actions:
- The Department of Administration sold Parcel 1 to the Lumbee Tribal Administration on April 30, 2014, for $350,000. The State Property Office completed the reallocation of Parcels 2, 3, and 4 to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), and Lumber River State Park is now managing the property. As directed by the General Assembly, $81,506 of the proceeds from the sale of Parcel 1 were allocated to DENR.
Cost Savings:
Follow-Up Materials:
- September 2013 update
- November 2013 property update
- Real estate purchase and sale agreement
- Transaction report
- Timeline