Key Ideas from Five Program Evaluation Division Reports on State-Owned Vehicles and Permanent License Plates (June 2012)

This report provides a summary of five Program Evaluation Division reports on state-owned vehicles and permanent license plates.
Relevant Legislation:
- S.L. 2013-360, Section 7.16. (a) and (d): Directed the Office of the State Chief Information Officer (CIO) to develop an implementation plan for establishing a statewide motor fleet management system and to study the feasibility of implementing a tracking system for state vehicles.
- S.L. 2012-159: Limited eligibility for permanent registration plates to governmental entities, and reformed the process by which eligible entities apply for and are issued permanent registration plates.
Related Reports:
- Inadequate Data and Fleet Information Management Weaken Accountability for North Carolina’s Vehicles (2011-07)
- Motor Fleet Management Uses Best Practices, but Needs Telematics to Strengthen Accountability (2012-02)
- Ineffective Policies and Diffuse Oversight Result in Inefficient Use of State-Owned Vehicles (2012-06)
- Follow-up Analysis of Permanent License Plates Owned by State and Non-State Entities (2011-07-01)
- Follow-up Report: Reviewing Eligibility for Permanent License Plates would Strengthen State Oversight (2011-07-02)