The Department of Administration (DOA) provides centralized administrative support for state agency operations. DOA acts as the business manager for North Carolina state government and provides internal services and programs for state agencies. Session Law 2017-57, Section 10A.5.(b) directed the Program Evaluation Division to conduct measurability assessments of DOA’s 12 programs. Overall, DOA’s programs performed well in terms of having cost sharing documents and an accounting system. DOA has several efforts underway that resulted in most programs getting partial credit for having a logic model and a strategic plan and for conducting performance measurement. Although DOA complies with statewide standards regarding risk assessment, financial forecasting, and auditing, the Measurability Assessment Guidebook contains stretch standards that resulted in most programs only receiving partial credit for these indicators. Lastly, the areas in which DOA could use the most improvement pertain to quality improvement systems and staffing analysis.
Complete Measurability Assessment
Summary of Overall Indicator Ratings
Council for Women and Youth Involvement
Historically Underutilized Businesses
Presentation to Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on General Government
Presentation to Joint Legislative Program Evaluation Oversight Committee