In Fiscal Year 2017–18, North Carolina ports in Wilmington and Morehead City collectively contributed $15.4 billion to the state economy and indirectly supported more than 87,000 jobs. The Program Evaluation Division (PED) found operations at the ports are generally effective and efficient, due largely to the performance of the Port of Wilmington and recent implementation of capital projects. PED also found operations at the ports are not duplicative. However, the Authority is not in compliance with statute requiring that containerized cargo shipping operations be conducted at both ports, has not implemented an environmental management system (EMS), and does not adequately assess service quality from its customers. The General Assembly should direct the Authority to establish strategies to address deficiencies at the Port of Morehead City, more comprehensively measure service quality, and report on the implementation of an EMS, and should additionally align the containerized cargo statute with operations at the ports.
Mandatory Evaluation Components