Follow Up Report: More Accurate State Vehicle Utilization and Cost Data Needed: RFP Issued by DOA for Fleet Management Vendor Includes Integration of Telematics (October 2015)

This report documents legislative and agency actions undertaken in response to PED’s 2012 report, Motor Fleet Management Uses Best Practices, but Needs Telematics to Strengthen Accountability.
Relevant Legislation:
- Senate Bill 312 (2015–16): An act to require the Division of Motor Fleet Management of the Department of Administration to contract for the development and implementation of a pilot project to thest the effectiveness and efficiency of using telematics in state-owned motor vehicles. This legislation was not enacted.
- House Bill 1204 (2013–14) authorized the Division of Motor Fleet Management of DOA to develop and implement a pilot project to test the effectiveness and efficiency of using telematics in state-owned motor vehicles. This legislation was not enacted.
Subsequent Agency Actions:
- Telematics. DOA conducted two small telematics studies to evaluate the effectiveness of telematics to strengthen accountability for the use of state-owned vehicles. After reviewing study results, Motor Fleet Management may expand the telematics pilot.