North Carolina’s workforce development system is a complicated array of 22 programs administered by seven entities that provide services at more than 500 local sites. In addition, state and local program coordination of workforce programs have failed to create an integrated, effective workforce development system. Services offered at local JobLink sites and the level of integration varies, and centers do not take full advantage of technology. State-level leadership by the Commission on Workforce Development has been insufficient to ensure an integrated workforce development system. Further, despite investments in a data system to track participants, there are no statewide performance measures for the workforce development system. The General Assembly should streamline the workforce development system, enhance accountability, strengthen the JobLink system, require increased use of technology, and create a legislative oversight committee to oversee the reforms.
Relevant Legislation:
- S.L. 2012-131: Modified the composition of the North Carolina Commission on Workforce Development and established the Joint Legislative Workforce Development System Reform Committee.
Agency Actions:
- When PED conducted its evaluation in 2012, the workforce development system consisted of 22 programs administered by seven state agencies. Currently, the system has 17 programs administered by five state agencies.
- In streamlining the workforce development system, the General Assembly eliminated state funding for workforce development programs provided by the Rural Economic Development Center and eliminated state funding for the Displaced Homemakers Program provided by the Department of Administration.
- The Governor transferred the Apprenticeship Program from the Department of Labor to the Division of Workforce Solutions in the Department of Commerce. PED had recommended transferring the Apprenticeship Program from the Department of Labor to the Community College System Office, but the Joint Legislative Program Evaluation Oversight Committee did not accept this recommendation.