Legislative Services Public Records Requests

Frequently requested information from the General Assembly is available here.

For all other requests, please see below.

Legislators’ Records

Legislators, including former legislators, are the custodians of the records their offices create, including any and all written communications with constituents, other legislators, lobbyists, and North Carolina government employees. This also includes documents, supporting documents, drafting requests, and information requests made or received by that legislator.

Requests for such records must be submitted to the legislator’s office. Legislators’ contact details are available here. No request for a legislator’s records submitted via this page will be filled.¹

Library Information

The Legislative Library staff is available to

  • Help you look up a specific statute or bill;
  • Provide guidance in researching the history of a statute or bill;
  • Recommend books, web sites, or other sources; or
  • Help you find information on the General Assembly web site.

To contact the Legislative Library, call 919-733-9390 or send an email to library@ncleg.gov.

Committee Records

The written minutes of standing and non-standing committees back to 1997 are available here. Minutes prior to 1997 are only available on-site in microfilm. Contact the Legislative Library for more information.

Audio files of a committee meeting are only available for the current biennium and will be provided, in-person or via mail, on a flash drive. To request audio, send an email to audio@ncleg.gov.

Other requests

For all other records requests, complete the form below. Requests will be handled in the order in which they are received.

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Type of Request
Please be as specific as possible about what you are requesting.

1. N.C.G.S. 121-5(d1)