NCInnovation provided its 2024 audit to General Assembly on November 21. You can find the audit here and an Excel spreadsheet of the financials here. Of note in the cover letter from independent auditor BDO is the acknowledgement that NCInnovation did not have an independent audit before receiving its first $250 million in state funds:
The 2023 financial statements of the Organization were reviewed by other auditors, whose report dated January 10, 2024[,] stated that they were not aware of any material modifications that should be made to those statements for them to be in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit and does not provide a basis for the expression of an opinion on the financial statements as a whole. [emphasis added]
NC Gen. Stat. 143-728(d)(9) requires NCI to “maintain separate accounting records for and separate accounts [for State and private funds] and shall not commingle [the two],” but the audited financial statements do not make clear the separation of public and private funds. Despite this, it appears that grants are the only thing currently being paid from state funds. This is the largest expense for NCI as projects in the pilot round of grants qualify for their second tranche of funding and as NCI completes its first statewide round of grantmaking in early 2025. The Request for Proposals page states, “The deadline for the fall 2024 pre-application is Friday, December 13, 2024. Applicants can anticipate hearing a response from NCI within one to two months from the application deadline.”
The second largest expense for NCI is salaries and benefits, totaling $2.6 million for the fiscal year. Because the regional hub personnel did not start until November, the annualized expense is more than $3.0 million.
NCInnovation FY2024 Audited Financial Statements and Report [PDF]
Annotated NCInnovation FY2024 Audited Financial Statements [Excel]