Raleigh, NC – The House Oversight and Reform Committee has requested Department of Motor Vehicles Commissioner Wayne Goodwin to appear before the committee Thursday, June 6, at 9 a.m. in the Legislative Building Auditorium.
Members of the committee will be seeking answers on problems old and new. Goodwin is expected to address the backlog of delivery of driver’s licenses and state IDs and report on the implementation of kiosks. Members will also question the commissioner on the transition to a new vendor for credentials, expectations for the summer DMV office rush, and the status of license plate agencies.
“Drivers have enough frustrations dealing with the DMV without additional delays in getting their licenses. I expect Commissioner Goodwin will be able to explain the reason for the delay and what measures the DMV is taking to fix this latest problem quickly,” co-chair Harry Warren (R-Rowan) said.
Members will also be following up on questions from last year’s House Oversight hearing and a February meeting of the Joint Legislative Transportation Oversight Committee.
“DMV deserves scrutiny,” said co-chair Jake Johnson(R-Polk). “It is one of the most conspicuous services of state government, so it should set the bar for customer service. We know its problems and I hope Commissioner Goodwin will be able to tell us about its progress.”